Standard work hours for project construction are Monday - Friday, 7:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. Some select, less intensive activities may need to occur on Saturdays from 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. Extended hours may be required for select activities. The contractor will strive to keep these instances to a minimum and abutters will be notified in advance.
Check back here for upcoming construction updates for 421 Park Drive. If you have any questions or concerns, please contact us at
This Saturday, February 8, crews will be working on various levels inside the building. Trucks will not be entering/exiting the site on Saturday, however, the contractor will be doing some excavation work during standard work hours. The hoist will not be used on Saturday unless needed in the event of an emergency.
Excavation work will continue on the Park Drive side of the new building for a few more weeks. Deliveries are arriving to the new building’s loading dock via Fullerton Street. Interior work is ongoing on all levels of the building as well.
Please note that, over the weekend beginning Friday afternoon, February 21, the contractor will be bringing in a crane to hoist a generator onto the building’s roof. Because this is a sizeable undertaking that includes hours of crane assembly and disassembly, the crane sections will be arriving on the afternoon of Friday, the 21st, via Fullerton Street and crews will be working through Friday and Saturday evenings and the weekend to get the generator placed on the roof. The crane will be positioned in the northwest corner of the work site in front of the building’s loading dock during the hoist. Crane disassembly and removal is expected to be complete by Sunday afternoon. The project team appreciates the neighborhood’s patience with this critical piece of work.
The project team continues to try and expedite the completion of the new Beacon Street crosswalk at Miner Street. The crosswalk can move forward once Eversource makes its necessary electrical connections, after which the area will be restriped. The neighborhood’s ongoing patience with this project is appreciated.
The job site will be closed on Monday, February 17, in observance of Presidents’ Day.
This Saturday, February 1, crews will be working on various levels inside the building. Trucks will not be entering/exiting the site on Saturday, however, the contractor will be doing some excavation work during standard work hours. As usual, the hoist will not be used on Saturday unless needed in the event of an emergency.
Excavation work will continue on the Park Drive side of the new building for a few more weeks. Deliveries are arriving to the new building’s loading dock via Fullerton Street. Interior work is ongoing on all levels of the building as well.
Please note that, over the weekend beginning Friday afternoon, February 21, the contractor will be bringing in a crane to hoist a generator onto the building’s roof. Because this is a sizeable undertaking that includes hours of crane assembly and disassembly, the crane sections will be arriving on Friday, the 21st, via Fullerton Street and crews will be working through Friday and Saturday evenings and the weekend to get the generator placed on the roof. The crane will be positioned in the northwest corner of the work site in front of the building’s loading dock during the hoist. Crane disassembly and removal is expected to be complete by Sunday afternoon. The project team appreciates the neighborhood’s patience with this critical piece of work.
The project team continues to try and expedite the completion of the new Beacon Street crosswalk at Miner Street. The new crosswalk can be finished once Eversource makes the necessary electrical connections, after which the area will be restriped. The neighborhood’s ongoing patience with this project is appreciated.
The job site will be closed on Monday, February 17, in observance of Presidents’ Day.
This Saturday, January 25, crews will be working on various levels inside the building. Trucks will not be entering/exiting the site on Saturday, however, the contractor will be doing some excavation work during standard work hours. As usual, the hoist will not be used on Saturday unless needed in the event of an emergency.
A few more weeks of excavation work will continue on the Park Drive side of the new building. Deliveries are arriving to the new building’s loading dock via Fullerton Street. Interior work is ongoing on all levels of the building as well.
Please note that, over the weekend beginning Friday, February 21, the contractor will be bringing in a crane to hoist a generator onto the building’s roof. Because this is a sizeable undertaking that includes hours of crane assembly and disassembly, the crane sections will be arriving on Friday, the 21st, and crews will be working through Friday and Saturday evenings and the weekend to get the generator placed on the roof. Crane disassembly and removal is expected to be complete by Sunday afternoon (February 23). The project team appreciates the neighborhood’s patience with this critical piece of work.
The new crosswalk at the intersection of Beacon Street and Miner Street will be finished once Eversource makes the necessary electrical connections, after which the area will be restriped. The project team is doing everything they can to help expedite this work with Eversource so the crosswalk can be completed. The neighborhood’s ongoing patience with this project is appreciated.
This Saturday, January 18, crews will be working on various levels inside the building. Trucks will not be entering/exiting the site on Saturday, however, the contractor will be doing some excavation work during standard work hours. The hoist will not be used on Saturday unless needed in the event of an emergency.
The job site will be open on Monday, January 20, with a limited crew.
A few more months of excavation work will continue on the Park Drive side of the new building. Deliveries are ongoing and arriving to the new building’s loading dock via Fullerton Street. Interior work is ongoing on all levels of the building as well.
Completion of the new crosswalk at the intersection of Beacon Street and Miner Street continues to hinge on Eversource making the necessary electrical connection, after which the area will be restriped. The project team is doing everything they can to help expedite this work with Eversource so the crosswalk can be finished. The neighborhood’s ongoing patience with this project is appreciated.
Crews will be working on various levels inside the building this Saturday, January 11. Trucks will not be entering/exiting the site on Saturday, however, the contractor will also be doing some excavation work during standard work hours. As usual, the hoist will not be used on Saturday unless needed in the event of an emergency.
A few more months of excavation work will continue on the Park Drive side of the new building. Deliveries will continue arriving to the new building’s loading dock via Fullerton Street and interior work is ongoing on all levels throughout the building.
Completion of the new crosswalk at the intersection of Beacon Street and Miner Street continues to hinge on Eversource making the necessary electrical connection, after which the area will be restriped. The project team is doing everything they can to help expedite this work with Eversource so the crosswalk can be finished. The neighborhood’s ongoing patience with this project is appreciated.
The job site will be open and active on Monday, January 20.
Crews will be working on various levels inside the building this Saturday, January 4. There won’t be any trucks entering/exiting the site on Saturday, however, the contractor will also be doing some excavation work during standard work hours. As usual, the hoist will not be used on Saturday unless needed in the event of an emergency.
As previously noted, a few months of excavation work will continue on the Park Drive side of the new building. Deliveries will continue arriving at the new building’s loading dock via Fullerton Street and interior work is ongoing on all levels throughout the building.
Completion of the new crosswalk at the intersection of Beacon Street and Miner Street continues to hinge on Eversource making the necessary electrical connection, after which the area will be restriped. The project team is doing everything they can to help expedite this work so the crosswalk can be finished. The neighborhood’s patience with this project is appreciated.
Crews will be working on various levels inside the building this Saturday, December 28. The contractor will also be doing some excavation work on Saturday during standard work hours. As usual, the hoist will not be used on Saturday unless needed in the event of an emergency.
A few months of excavation work will continue on the Park Drive side of the new building. Deliveries will continue arriving to the new building’s loading dock via Fullerton Street and interior work is ongoing on all levels throughout the building.
Completion of the new crosswalk at the intersection of Beacon Street and Miner Street continues to hinge on Eversource making the necessary electrical connection, after which the area will be restriped. The neighborhood’s patience with this project is appreciated. The project team is doing everything they can to help expedite this so the crosswalk can be finished.
The 421 Park Drive team wishes everyone a safe and happy New Year.
Crews will be working on various levels inside the building this Saturday, December 21. The contractor will also be using excavators on Saturday during standard work hours. The hoist will not be used on Saturday unless needed in the event of an emergency. Finally, on Saturday, the building manager at 401 Park Drive will be bringing in a crane in front of REI to perform some work on the building’s upper levels. This is a one-day operation during standard work hours. Access to REI and Timeout Market will be maintained during this work.
Work will continue for several months on the Park Drive side of the new building. Slurry wall construction is complete, and crews are now working on a few months of excavation.
The after-hours saw cutting of an exterior building wall was finished last week.
Completion of the new crosswalk at the intersection of Beacon Street and Miner Street continues to hinge on Eversource making the necessary electrical connection, after which the area will be restriped. The neighborhood’s patience with this project is appreciated.
The job site will be closed on Wednesday, December 25, for the Christmas holiday.
Crews will be working on various levels inside the building this Saturday, December 14. The contractor will also be flying a drone over the job site on Saturday during standard work hours to capture progress images. The hoist will not be used on Saturday unless needed in the event of an emergency.
The project team is appreciative of the community’s cooperation last weekend. The north side tower crane was successfully disassembled and removed from the site.
The installation of sheet piles on the Park Drive side of the building is complete. Curtain wall installation is also complete for now and will resume next summer. Slurry wall construction is complete, and crews are now working on a few more months of excavation.
The after-hours saw cutting of an exterior building wall is targeted for completion this week. Work has been taking place from 5pm to 9pm. This work is located in a pocket between new construction and the existing building and is generally less impactful than previous after-hours work. The project appreciates the neighborhood’s patience during this necessary activity. If not for the work’s proximity to the 401 Park Drive daycare center, the contractor would get this work done during standard work hours. The project team is doing everything they can to minimize disruptions to the community after regular work hours.
Completion of the new crosswalk at the intersection of Beacon Street and Miner Street continues to hinge on Eversource making the necessary electrical connection, after which the area will be restriped. The neighborhood’s patience with this project is appreciated.
Crews will be working on various levels inside the building this Saturday, December 7. The contractor will refrain from using the hoist on Saturday unless needed in the event of an emergency.
Also this weekend, as noted in previous communications, the tower crane on the north side of the site will be disassembled and removed from the site over the weekend beginning Friday, December 6. On Friday, the contractor will begin working around the clock, including overnight through the weekend, to dismantle the tower crane. Because this is a sizeable undertaking, the work will continue non-stop overnight through Monday morning at 7:00 a.m., December 9. The trucks needed to drive sections of the crane off site will enter and exit via Fullerton Street. The project team appreciates the neighborhood’s patience and understanding as the contractor work to remove the crane from the job site as efficiently as possible with minimal impacts to the community.
The installation of sheet piles on the Park Drive side of the building is complete. Curtain wall installation is also complete for now and will resume next summer. Slurry wall construction is complete, and crews are now working on a few more months of excavation.
The contractor is in the process of saw cutting an exterior building wall from 5:00 p.m. to 9:00 p.m. Monday through Friday through the middle of next week. This work is generally less impactful than previous after-hours work as it’s located in a pocket between new construction and the existing building. The project appreciates the neighborhood’s patience during this necessary activity. If not for the work’s proximity to the 401 Park Drive daycare center, the contractor would get this work done during standard work hours. The project team is doing everything they can to minimize disruptions to the community after regular work hours.
Completion of the new crosswalk at the intersection of Beacon Street and Miner Street continues to hinge on Eversource making the necessary electrical connection, after which the area will be restriped.
The job site will be closed on Thanksgiving Day, but it will be open on Friday, November 29. Crews will be working on various levels inside the building this Saturday, November 30. As always, the contractor will refrain from using the hoist on Saturday unless needed in the event of an emergency.
The contractor has finished removing an area of foundation where one of the tower cranes previously stood. The installation of sheet piles on the Park Drive side of the building is also complete.
The contractor began work saw cutting an exterior wall of the building last week. This requires approximately two weeks of work and will be taking place from 5:00 p.m. to 9:00 p.m. It is expected that this work will be less impactful than previous after-hours work as it’s located in a pocket between new construction and the existing building. The project appreciates the neighborhood’s patience during this necessary activity. If not for the work’s proximity to the 401 Park Drive daycare center, the contractor would get this work done during standard work hours. The project team is doing everything they can to minimize disruptions to the community after regular work hours.
The contractor working on the new crosswalk at the intersection of Beacon Street and Miner Street continues to wait on Eversource to make the necessary electrical connection, after which the area will be restriped.
Curtain wall installation on the new building will continue through November. Slurry wall construction is complete, and crews are now working on three months of excavation.
The tower crane on the north side of the site is still scheduled to be disassembled and removed from the site over the weekend beginning Friday, December 6. Starting on Friday, the contractor will begin working around the clock, including overnight through the weekend, to dismantle the tower crane. Because this is a sizeable undertaking, the work will continue non-stop overnight through Monday morning at 7:00 a.m., December 9. The trucks needed to drive sections of the crane off site will enter and exit via Fullerton Street. The project team appreciates the neighborhood’s patience and understanding as the contractor work to remove the crane from the job site as efficiently as possible with minimal impacts to the community.
Crews will be working on various levels inside the building this Saturday, November 23. The contractor will also be working around the west windows along 401 Park Drive using lifts. As always, the contractor will refrain from using the hoist on Saturday unless needed in the event of an emergency.
The contractor has been removing an area of foundation where one of the tower cranes previously stood using hammering equipment during standard work hours. This work generates some noticeable noise and is expected to be finished before this week.
The contractor will be saw cutting an exterior wall of the building starting next week. This requires approximately two weeks of work and will be taking place from 5:00 p.m. to 10:00 p.m. It is expected that this work will be less impactful than previous after-hours work as it’s located in a pocket between new construction and the existing building. The project appreciates the neighborhood’s patience during this necessary activity. If not for the work’s proximity to the 401 Park Drive daycare center, the contractor would get this work done during standard work hours. The project team is doing everything they can to minimize disruptions to the community after regular work hours.
This week, the contractor continues to drive sheet piles on the Park Drive side of the building during regular work hours. This activity is expected to be done this week. During the work, neighbors may experience some minor vibrations given the equipment required to install the sheeting.
The contractor working on the new crosswalk at the intersection of Beacon Street and Miner Street continues to wait on Eversource to make the necessary electrical connection, after which the area will be restriped.
Curtain wall installation on the new building will continue through November. Slurry wall construction is complete, and crews are now working on three months of excavation.
The tower crane on the north side of the site is scheduled to be disassembled and removed from the site over the weekend beginning Friday, December 6 through Sunday, December 8. More details will be provided as the date gets closer.
The job site will be open on November 29, the day following Thanksgiving.
Crews will be working on various levels inside the building this Saturday, November 16. In addition, an excavator will be pre-trenching, and a crane will be operational on the south side of the site. As always, the contractor will refrain from using the hoist on Saturday unless needed in the event of an emergency.
Last week, the contractor began the process of removing an area of foundation where one of the tower cranes previously stood. This work requires the use of hammering equipment and is taking place during standard work hours. This work generates some noticeable noise and is expected to be finished early next week.
The contractor will be saw cutting an exterior wall of the building starting next week. This requires approximately two weeks of work and will be taking place from 5:00 p.m. to 10:00 p.m. It is expected that this work will be less impactful than previous after-hours work as it’s located in a pocket between new construction and the existing building. The project appreciates the neighborhood’s patience during this necessary activity. If not for the work’s proximity to the 401 Park Drive daycare center, the contractor would get this work done during standard work hours. The project team is doing everything they can to minimize disruptions to the community after regular work hours.
Also next week, the contractor will be driving sheet piles on the Park Drive side of the building during regular work hours. This activity will last approximately one week during which neighbors may experience some minor vibrations given the equipment required to install the sheeting.
The contractor working on the new crosswalk at the intersection of Beacon Street and Miner Street continues to wait on Eversource to make the necessary electrical connection, after which the area will be restriped.
Curtain wall installation on the new building will continue through November. Slurry wall construction finished last week and will be followed by three months of excavation, which is scheduled to begin next week.
The tower crane on the north side of the site is scheduled to be disassembled and removed from the site over the weekend beginning Friday, December 6 through Sunday, December 8. More details will be provided as the date gets closer.
Crews will be working on various levels inside the building, an excavator will be conducting pre-trenching, and a crane will be on the south side of the site this Saturday, November 9. The contractor will refrain from using the hoist on Saturday unless needed in the event of an emergency.
An area of foundation where the tower crane previously stood needs to be removed using hammers. This work will take place during standard work hours and will generate some noticeable noise. This activity started this week and will run through Monday, November 18. The contractor will be saw-cutting the exterior wall of the building from 5 – 10PM starting on Wednesday, November 13.
The site will be closed on Monday, November 11 in observance of Veterans Day.
The contractor working on the new crosswalk at the intersection of Beacon Street and Miner Street is waiting on Eversource to make the necessary electrical connection, after which the area will be restriped. This project is expected to be complete by mid-November.
Curtain wall installation will continue through November. Slurry wall construction was completed this week and will be followed by three months of excavation.
The contractor has completed the after-hours concrete demolition work to replace the new landscape deck. The community’s patience with this work has been appreciated.
The tower crane on the north side of the site is scheduled to be disassembled and removed from the site over the weekend beginning Friday, December 6 through Sunday, December 8. More details will be provided as the date gets closer.
Crews will be working on various levels inside the building this Saturday, November 2. Also on Saturday, a crew will be using the tower crane to install curtain wall on the north side of the building. As usual, the materials are already on site, so this work is not expected to impact the neighborhood. The contractor will refrain from using the hoist on Saturday unless needed in the event of an emergency.
An area of foundation where the tower crane previously stood needs to be removed using hammers. This work will take place during standard work hours and will generate some noticeable noise. This activity started this week and will run through Monday, November 11.
The contractor working on the new crosswalk at the intersection of Beacon Street and Miner Street is waiting on Eversource to make the necessary electrical connection, after which the area will be restriped. This project is expected to be complete by mid-November.
Curtain wall installation will continue through November. Slurry wall construction on the Park Drive side of the new building is expected to be complete this week and will be followed by three months of excavation.
The contractor has completed the after-hours concrete demolition work to replace the new landscape deck. The community’s patience with this work has been appreciated.
The tower crane on the north side of the site is scheduled to be disassembled and removed from the site over the weekend beginning Friday, December 6 through Sunday, December 8. More details will be provided as the date gets closer.
Crews will be working on various levels inside the building this Saturday, October 26. Also this Saturday, a crew will be using the tower crane to install some curtain wall. The materials are already on site, so this work is not expected to impact the neighborhood. The contractor will be removing debris from the demolition area, but they will not be chipping or hammering. This should not be disruptive to the neighborhood either. The contractor will refrain from using the hoist on Saturday unless needed in the event of an emergency.
The contractor working on the new crosswalk at the intersection of Beacon Street and Miner Street is waiting on Eversource to make the necessary electrical connection, after which the area will be restriped.
Curtain wall installation continues through this month, with work on the north side of the building. Slurry wall construction continues on the Park Drive side of the new building and will continue through November. This work calls for the use of excavators and a crane with a clam digging bit and produces some noise similar to the sound of pile drilling. It will not result in the level of noise that demolition work produces. Because this work is increasing trucking on site, a wheel washing station is in place to help prevent trucks from tracking slurry material onto surrounding roads.
Last week, the contractor started demolishing concrete to replace the new landscape deck. This work will continue for several weeks. Because of the proximity of the work area to the 401 Park Drive daycare center, the work needs to take place from 6:00 p.m. to 9:00 p.m. Monday through Friday. This activity does generate some noise due to the saw cutting and concrete chipping necessary to remove the concrete. Your patience and understanding during this necessary work are greatly appreciated. If not for the work’s proximity to the daycare center, the contractor would get this done during standard work hours. The project team is doing everything they can to minimize disruptions to the community after regular work hours.
The tower crane on the north side of the site is scheduled to be disassembled and removed from the site over the weekend beginning Friday, December 6 through Sunday, December 8. More details will be provided as the date gets closer.
Finally, an area of foundation where the tower crane previously stood needs to be removed using hammers during standard work hours. This work will take place beginning next Wednesday, October 30, through Monday, November 11, and will generate some noticeable noise.
Beginning today, Thursday, October 17, the contractor needs to start demolishing concrete to replace the new landscape deck. Because of the proximity of the work area to the 401 Park Drive daycare center, the work needs to take place from 3:00 p.m. to 9:00 p.m. Monday through Friday. This activity does generate some noise due to the saw cutting and concrete chipping necessary to remove the concrete. Your patience and understanding during this necessary work are greatly appreciated. If not for the work’s proximity to the daycare center, the contractor would get this done during standard work hours. The project team is doing everything they can to minimize disruptions to the community after regular work hours.
Crews will be working on various levels inside the building this Saturday, October 19. Also on Saturday, a crew will be using the tower crane to install some curtain wall. The materials are already on site, so this work is not expected to impact the neighborhood. The contractor will refrain from using the hoist on Saturday unless needed in the event of an emergency. Curtain wall installation continues through this month, with work on the north side of the building.
The new crosswalk on Beacon Street at the intersection of Beacon and Miner Streets is expected to be complete this week, after which the area will be restriped. Police details are present to support this work on weekdays between 9:00 a.m. and 3:30 p.m.
Slurry wall construction started on September 30 and continues on the Park Drive side of the new building. This work will continue through November. The scope of this work includes the use of excavators and a crane with a clam digging bit. This work produces some noise similar to the sound of pile drilling, however, it will not result in the level of noise that demolition work produces. This work is increasing trucking on site. A wheel washing station is in place to help prevent trucks from tracking slurry material onto surrounding roads.
The tower crane on the north side of the site is scheduled to be disassembled and removed from the site over the weekend beginning Friday, November 22 through Sunday, November 24. More details will be provided as the date gets closer.
Finally, with one of the tower cranes no longer on site, an area of foundation needs to be removed using hammers during standard work hours. This work will take place from Wednesday, October 30, through Monday, November 11, and will generate some noticeable noise.
Beginning today, Thursday, October 17, the contractor needs to start demolishing concrete to replace the new landscape deck. Because of the proximity of the work area to the 401 Park Drive daycare center, the work needs to take place from 3:00 p.m. to 9:00 p.m. Monday through Friday. This activity does generate some noise due to the saw cutting and concrete chipping necessary to remove the concrete. Your patience and understanding during this necessary work are greatly appreciated. If not for the work’s proximity to the daycare center, the contractor would get this done during standard work hours. The project team is doing everything they can to minimize disruptions to the community after regular work hours.
Crews will be working on various levels inside the building this Saturday, October 19. Also on Saturday, a crew will be using the tower crane to install some curtain wall. The materials are already on site, so this work is not expected to impact the neighborhood. The contractor will refrain from using the hoist on Saturday unless needed in the event of an emergency. Curtain wall installation continues through this month, with work on the north side of the building.
The new crosswalk on Beacon Street at the intersection of Beacon and Miner Streets is expected to be complete this week, after which the area will be restriped. Police details are present to support this work on weekdays between 9:00 a.m. and 3:30 p.m.
Slurry wall construction started on September 30 and continues on the Park Drive side of the new building. This work will continue through November. The scope of this work includes the use of excavators and a crane with a clam digging bit. This work produces some noise similar to the sound of pile drilling, however, it will not result in the level of noise that demolition work produces. This work is increasing trucking on site. A wheel washing station is in place to help prevent trucks from tracking slurry material onto surrounding roads.
The tower crane on the north side of the site is scheduled to be disassembled and removed from the site over the weekend beginning Friday, November 22 through Sunday, November 24. More details will be provided as the date gets closer.
Finally, with one of the tower cranes no longer on site, an area of foundation needs to be removed using hammers during standard work hours. This work will take place from Wednesday, October 30, through Monday, November 11, and will generate some noticeable noise.
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